Excuses, Excuses

I can't do this
This is too hard
I am inadequate
I have been living this year jumping from excuse to excuse
I gave up
Then slowly but surely I came back around and realized there's no use
Excuses are reasoning with yourself as to why you don't want to
No excuse is a good excuse
You can make a way you can do anything you put your mind to
This year I came out uninterested, unmotivated and unprepared
I didn't want to hear anyone's optimistic bullshit
In all honesty I simply just did. Not. Care

My lack of motivation was expressed through alienation
I couldn't be responsible for dragging anyone down with me
"Leave me alone" was said more times throughout the day than one
Then I looked from the outside in
My family is a bunch of failures
Not to sound disrespectful, but I can be better than them
It was a wake up call
I was slapped in to realization that I was sucking at life
I decided from then on out I'd give my all
Like every other person I will have my days
I won't want to do anything
It's okay as long as my "days" don't become my ways
I've got a lot to learn along the way
I'm a fifteen year old kid
I know I have come too far to throw it away
I can do this
Nothing is too hard as long as I try
I am and will always be adequate

By: yours truly, Cerenity Watson
