Emerson said it

"Ne te quaesiveris extra" this quote absolutely stands out to me. It is so simple, but it gets you thinking. This quote means everything you need to be amazing is already inside you. You don't need things from the world to be amazing. You are great based what you exhale, not what you inhale. This quote is what got our conversation started today. It ignited disagreement, but also had many who agreed.

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." I just love this quote so much, but only because I couldn't agree more. In my eyes this quote means if you want to be happy, if you want to be successful, pretty much if you want anything in life you have to go out and get it yourself. You can't rely on others for ANYTHING because you won't always have someone there, and nobody is going to be willing to do these things for you. I see it as the outcome will be so much more enjoyable knowing you did it on your own. I brought this quote up today because I felt like it was so important and everyone needed to hear it. This quote sparked the conversation of when it is okay to be selfish.

"We but half express ourselves and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents" I picked this quote to elaborate on because it directly applies to our class. I think this quote means so many people are afraid to speak or truly be themselves, and so many people are ashamed because they don't realize everyone is beautifully different. If anything describes our class, it's this quote. I think this because in our class most of the people don't speak up. I think they are afraid of being judged and being wrong, but they are unaware of the fact that opinions can't be wrong, we want to hear everything they have to say. What they say can be exactly what someone else needed to hear.

"Men have looked away from themselves and at things so long" I chose this quote because 175 years later and it is still absolutely correct. Emerson couldn't have said it more perfectly. It means people are concerned with materialistic items rather than who they are. People are more concerned with social media and what others think instead of being concerned with who they are as a person. In 2016 this quote couldn't be more accurate. Nowadays nobody really knows who they truly are; they only know who society tells them to be.

"What I must do is all that concerns me not what people thinks" this quote came up when we wee discussing when being selfish is a good thing. This quote means sometimes you have to be selfish. Sometimes you need to focus on only what is going to help you because at the end of the day you have to live with yourself. This quote means do what is going to help you in the long run; if other people don't like it then they can f*** off. Their opinions aren't going to make you happy or successful. I took this quote as do you and whoever is still there at the end what was meant to be in your life and anyone who isn't is missing out. Be selfish! It's the only way to get through life successfully.

"Man is timid and apologetic; he is no longer upright; he dares not say "I think," "I am," but quotes some saint or sage" i chose this quote because I can relate to it. I have a friend that is constantly getting frustrated with me for apologizing. I think this quote means people are afraid to truly be themselves, and apologize for being themselves. People are afraid to say what they think and what they believe for the fear of being judged or being wrong.
